Hello & Welcome to PubhD Sheffield!
Do you want to hear about the latest research taking place right on your door step?
Do you want to try out some public engagement down the pub?
If so, we would love to hear from you!
About us
Taking you and your research to the pub since 2014
What is PubhD?
Because everything needs a little explaining...
Created by @kashfarooq and @MrRegars in 2014, PubhD was first set up in Nottingham and has since been established globally.
Events usually occur monthly, with three PhD students/early career researchers explaining their work to the general public, in a local pub.
All that we ask is that you pop along with an open mind, and be willing to enjoy the session! (The audience can always make a researcher happy by inviting them a pint :) )
PubhD Format
So how does it work?
to whiteboard
PubhD has a really simple, relaxed format...
Two researchers will be given a white board, marker pen and 10 minutes to explain their research, followed by 20 minutes of friendly Q&A.
For the speakers, PubhD is a great way to test your public speaking and public engagement skills.
For the audience, it is a great opportunity to learn something new, without needing any prior knowledge of the topic!
PubhD Sheffield
The steel city!
PubhD Sheffield was initially set up by Devon Scambler @DevonCaira and Emily Fisk @EFisk1 and is now organised by Nestor @nedsar85_PhD , Zeyu @ZeyuSong5 and David W @PhDaveWilk.
Events run on the last week of every month! Look for Eventbrite events or on our social media for the upcoming event date :)
For more details, on future events or how to get involved with PubhD Sheffield, please see the Events and Contact Us sections below.
You can also find these on Eventbrite!
Some caption here
A sentence or two describing this item.Blog Archive
See here for short blog posts on our previous events
May 9, 2018This month, the organisers of PubhD changed hands! This was the first event ran by the new...April 10, 2018 · public speaking,eventsThe nights are light and our bellies are full of goodies from the Easter break. So, what better...March 12, 2018 · public speaking,eventsIn a celebration of International Women’s Day 2018 (albeit a day early), we hoped to share the...Social Feed
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where did the idea for PubhD come from?
It was Kash Farooq and Regan Naughton in Nottingham that came up with the idea for PubhD, hosting their first event in January 2014. They are not academic researchers, but wanted to know more about the neat research that was happening in their city!
What's in it for me?
If you volunteer to be a speaker, then you will gain public engagement experience by explaining your work in an easy to understand and entertaining way.
The audience gets to hear what amazing research is happening in their local area. It's a fun, informal (and cheap!) evening, where academics and non-academics alike come to chat and learn.
I want to talk, but I'm very nervous/have no data/have just started my PhD
If you would like to talk for us one day but are hesitant, drop us an email and we are happy to help with any worries or queries you may have. It sounds scary to stand up in front of a group of people and talk about your work but it is a very friendly and informal space, the audience are always genuinely interested and ask great questions and our speakers give very positive feedback.
If you feel you can't volunteer because you have just started/ended your PhD or have no results yet - then we're here to tell you that's just not true! PubhD is not about delivering mini academic seminars. When there is 10 minutes to give a public-level talk, we are most interested in what you are researching and why, and if there's time, the methods you use to answer your research question. Basically, think of providing a general overview of the ideas behind your research for the majority of your talk, focusing in on your specific research for a few minutes at the end. That way, the audience will know how it fits into the big picture.
What sort of language should I avoid in my talk?
We have enjoyed many wonderful varieties of talks across Sheffield, as it is a city that likes to share its successes with the masses. Some have included props, other speakers didn't need to use the provided whiteboard at all. Do whatever you think will tell a good story. When you prepare a PubhD talk, be really critical of the words you choose. Here are a few examples of academic-speak that should be avoided (unless you have clearly explained them first) simpler is always better...
- 'The literature' (when referring to existing knowledge in your subject)
- P-values and statistics
- 'Genes/proteins are (over)expressed...'
- Quantitative, qualitative...
- Cognitive, cognition
- Equilibrium, antagonist, synergist
- Paradigm, dogma
- Spatial, temporal
- Unexplained Greek or Latin words/phrases!
If you're really unsure, we'd be happy to go through it with you! :)
I'm from the media, can I feature you?
Yes please, just get in touch!
We will initially give our speakers and audience members notice in advance in the event of filming or photography in case there is anyone who does not wish to take part.
Contact Form
Don't be afraid to reach out.
Feel free to ask us a question, volunteer to take part or leave us some feedback.
© 2016